Dome Connections

Links to other sites

There's lots of great dome info and dome manufacturers on the Web. These links should help you find it. I'm just starting this page, so more will be added soon.

Synergetics Home Page
Maintained by Kirby Urner, this is the primo starting point online for exploring the world of Buckminster Fuller.
Michael Rader's Geodesic Domes Site
This site is offline as of 2/24/2007. If you know how to reach Michael, please write me! Simply the most complete listings I've ever seen of all sorts of links relating to domes. Here you'll find links to dome information, manufacturers, books, and much, much more.
Corringie Aboriginal Community -- Leonora, Western Australia
Fascinating account of dome-building projects in the aboriginal communities of Australia, under the sub-page Dome Drama in the Desert. Pictures of actual domes, beautifully decorated with bright patterns.
Zometool Home Page
I think Zometools are just the coolest modelling kit for building many types of dome and geometrical models. Check it out!
Rob Beezer's Playdome Page
Rob wrote to me after seeing my unfinished attempt at making a dome out of old tires. He has info and pictures of successful tire domes, called Playdomes.
Parrot Enterprises
This site is offline as of 2/24/2007. If you know how to reach Parrot Enterprises, please write me! A dome builder back east, who makes geodesic jungle gyms and other products.

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